Helping Hands
What better way to spend a beautiful Saturday afternoon than helping a friend in need? When a single mom friend of ours called to say that she needed to do some heavy-duty spring cleaning at her place and would we help, we jumped at the chance. Fixing fence isn't usually a job cowboys like to do, but these three have graciously given up their horses for hammers and went to work.
Rolling up high-tensile electric fence wire isn't the most fun job in the world. In fact, fencing in general isn't the most fun job in the world, but this high-tensile stuff has a mind of it's own, and it never does what you want it to do. We did manage to get it all rolled up, though.

Any time the adults get together to do a community project, it means lots of kids, and lots of opportunity to have fun. At one time I counted ten young ones getting into various kinds of trouble. I actually heard one dad yelling at them to get off the roof of the barn. I think he was just being overly protective.

This was our contribution to the entire operation. When I wasn't behind the camera, my job was running the chain on the business end of the post-pulling equipment. Given my level of ineptitude, I think the Mister was actually happy when I took up the camera instead of the chain. Of course the skilled part of the process is running the tractor, so that's where the Mister found himself.

We managed to get everything on her list done, and we were tired but satisfied at the end of the day. Of course, the delicious steak dinner she provided was a great reward for a job well done.

Thanks for stopping by. The coffee is always on.
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