It's That Time of Year
While garden produce has been available since early July in the local Farmers Markets, September and October bring out the full bounty of the harvest.
Locally, one progressive small farmer, Booty Farms, has opened up their fields to a pick-your-own operation for a number of varieties of vegetables. Booty Farms specializes in "character seasoning" using their chipoltle, jalapeno and habanero peppers.
For those less adventerous, they also pick it for you, and in typical small town fashion, have a secure drop box for your payments - strictly honor system.
We stopped by Saturday afternoon to get some fresh jalapeno peppers for bacon-wrapped, cream cheese-stuffed peppers for the Cornhusker football game (which Nebraska won, but with a performance that was perhaps less than stellar!). Mmmm... the peppers were good, anyway, as was the company!
Locally, one progressive small farmer, Booty Farms, has opened up their fields to a pick-your-own operation for a number of varieties of vegetables. Booty Farms specializes in "character seasoning" using their chipoltle, jalapeno and habanero peppers.

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