An Ogallala Tradition

Nebraskans have long been known for placing their worn out cowboy boots upside down on top of fence posts. Besides being a dubious form of decoration, it serves the purpose of protecting the top of the fence post from moisture that could cause it to rot.

On a recent trip to Ogallala on Highway 30, I saw several examples of another tradition that has been going on in the Ogallala area for a long time, so I took the time to snap a few pictures with my cell phone.
When driving around the Ogallala area, you often see bottles of all kinds and descriptions stuck on branches along the roadway, sometimes even on weeds. Someone had obviously been very busy recently, as I passed numerous trees decorated thusly.
Now I'm not here to pass judgement, only to document. Whether or not this industrious person found the bottles along the roadway and decided to move them to the tree branches, or whether they brought their own trash is unknown.
Yes, this might be considered litter, but it's also a form of folk art, and pretty in its own way.
It's interesting what you see in rural Nebraska.

Thanks for stopping by. The coffee is always on.


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