Capturing the Spirit

I've made it no secret that I am not too fond of the new "Visit Nebraska. Visit Nice." tourism slogan that is the result of $75,000, nine months of research and interviews with 3,500 people.

Here are some examples of efforts that truly capture the essence of Nebraska.

From the brand new "Life Wide Open" campaign from Hastings, Nebraska.

From Hear Nebraska, who can always be counted on to communicate the greatness of Nebraska with passion.

From the very successful "Life is Right in Lincoln" campaign.

And finally... "Nice" from the Nebraska Tourism Commission. Pardon me while I yawn.

Trust me, Nebraska is much more than nice!

You can see the truth of that from this video, also from the Nebraska Tourism Commission (where did they go wrong?)

If you can watch that and the only word you can come up with is "nice", you should watch it again, and again, and again. Or better yet, come for a visit and we'll show you just how much more than "nice" we are.


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